Looking to sell my house FAST!

What is my home WORTH?

How do I find a TRUSTworthy agent to get me top dollar?

These and many other questions are so important to us as Homeowners as we try to do our best to relocate our families, prepare for retirement, develop a real estate nest egg or simply build a better future. While many agents and brokerages may promote their crystal ball of pricing, time frames and remodel task; whats most important for me in the sell of your home or mere thought of selling your home is TRUST. 

A good Seller Agent relationship not only should start with trust but be built on leveraging both Trust and experience to see your home sold from start to finish. While I will not claim to have a crystal ball, I hope my background and expertise will speak for itself. Rather selling my own home or yours, the key is keeping in mind what the # 1 Goal is which is peace of mind.


I look forward to assisting you anyway I can with selling your home!


Corey Nicholas Collins, Realtor®


NRDS# 502029916 / MN#20595053 / TX#729409

Home Selling Real Estate Agent Corey Nicholas Collins


Three things to consider before you sell!

Putting your home on the market is exciting. It can be nerve wracking, too. How do you sort through all the decisions and options? Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

1. Is the sell worth your time and money to upgrade?
2. What Helps Every Home is a clean appearance!
3. Don't underestimate the significance of pricing your home right!


Download Cordavii Team Listing Presentation Here  
Download My Listing Presentation

To get started with selling your home

here are a few options:

1) Give me a call directly at (612) 564-2491

2) Email me at c.collins@cordavii.com

3) Fill out the Home Valuation Form Below


M. Olson

Bought a Single Family home in 2015 in Beltrami, Minneapolis, MN.

Corey is professional, knowledgable, and smart about the home buying process. I was introduced to Corey through a mutual friend, and looking back I am very happy to have worked with him. Corey is friendly, and in my limits experience, generous with his advice. He was a thoughtful negotiator, and was helpful at critical junctures in the process.





Corey Nicholas Collins

Agent | License ID: 20595053

+1(612) 564-2491
